Health, Safety and security

Falcon Eyes maintain a database of credit worthy employees whom they have worked with the company in many projects inside government organization and bases. Every employee has to undergo a certain level of registration processes that may include clearance from ministry of interior, their national identification card is required and also an assurance of Afghan government employee on behalf of a person intended to become Falcon Eyes employee is required. Once the pledge process is completed the employee is issued a badge that need to be with the employee all the time during on job. Safety is given the most importance as it directly impacts the life. A safety manager for every project is hired that provide continuous mentoring and training to the employees to consider safety during their performance. The employees are also conveyed and trained about the security and safety laws of government on regular basis.

Physical Security at Work-site:

Falcon Eyes Co will provide security protection during construction as required to adequately safeguard its employees and equipment and the security will include but is not limited to fence and private security guards. Security personnel may be hired by Falcon Eyes Co to guard materials in storage areas and to guard the workforce as they are working on the project and will perform background checks of local security personnel hired for the purpose to ensure they are not a threat to Coalition forces. All security personnel will be in possession of a weapon permit issued by the Afghan National Police or Ministry of the Interior and all security guards will wear a uniform with weapon permit clearly visible whenever work is in progress on the project.

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